
Middle Fork of the Salmon River, 2012

“Have I ever told you how much I LOVE my job!?” This phrase may be a little over used in my world, but who cares, it’s true.  I was able to book end my summer field work with two float trips down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, and one trip sandwiched in the middle. So it was a hat trick, a trifecta, a tripple crown. Whatever you prefer to call it, it came in threes: three trips down the river, three different seasons, three different flows, three different purposes all rolled into one – science, adventure, fun. (Actually there are more of the later, but three seemed to fit the theme, so I chose the best ones.) Yes, I love my job (it’s actually better to call it my career and my life, but enough bragging). Here are some highlights from the trips: – I flew into Indian Creek to launch […]

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